Resultados de la búsqueda

Una inversión de impacto que genera un triple impacto. Home. Blog. Una inversión de impacto que genera un triple impacto. Home. Blog. November 15, 2023. | Por: EthicHub.

Become a financial and social activist. Earn commissions by promoting triple impact investment on EthicHub. Join us today.

At EthicHub, we are on a mission to spread triple impact investing: financial, social, and environmental. Now, thanks to Circle Wise, we can include content creators and bloggers in this team of activists. Why become an Ethichub Affiliate?

Impact investing with a triple impact. Home. Blog. Impact investing with a triple impact. Jun 2023. | By: EthicHub.

Descubre a nuestros originadores y empieza a generar Impacto Ambiental, Financiero y Social. Únete a la innovación y conviértete en activista con EthicHub

Invierte con rentabilidad. e impacto. +500. proyectos financiados. 100%. devuelto a inversores. +4.5M. de capital total invertido. +2000. Ethichubbers unidos al impacto. ¿Qué puedes hacer en EthicHub?

Closing 2023: Revolutionizing Financial Inclusion and Social Impact. Home. Blog. Closing 2023: Revolutionizing Financial Inclusion and Social Impact. Nov 2023. | By: Andrea López de Vicuña.

Our solution consists of a lending protocol with an innovative collateralization system operated by our impact token, the Ethix.

Cierre de año: Revolucionando la Inclusión Financiera y el Impacto Social. Home. Blog. Cierre de año: Revolucionando la Inclusión Financiera y el Impacto Social. Home. Blog. January 8, 2024. | Por: Andrea López de Vicuña.

These categories are: Most Innovative Bank, Leading FinTech Woman of the Year, Most Innovative Digital Platform, Most Disruptive FinTech and Highest Social/Sustainability Impact Initiative. And EthicHub was the winner of the latter category.

Heifer Impact Capital (HIC), iniciativa líder en el ecosistema de inversión de impacto, dependiente de Heifer International, invertirá junto a Heifer Labs y Heifer México 420.000 dólares a través de nuestra plataforma.

With experience in innovative technologies and social impact, I combine technical knowledge with a passion for financial innovation and inclusion.